Tuesday 11 March 2008

The beginning

Hi everyone,

So the big jump into being a marine fishkeeper, i think i first thought of keeping marines almost more than a year ago. I went into my local fish shop and was absolutely mesmorised by the colours and beauty of marine fish! The variety and different types of fish astonished me, i couldn't believe how many creatures you could keep in a tank. So i started researching and decided to order an orca TL-450 before christmas last year. I was sooo excited to get it 2 weeks went by then 1 month then 2 months, i kept calling and calling the lfs to see when i was going to get my tank. This was the first downer before i even started marine fishkeeping however it didn't deter me i kept being persistant and i must say persistance is the key as i FINALLY got it. I was so excited to get the tank home have a look at the set up... looked in the box no instructions as i am a complete novice i had no clue how or what i had to do. Thats where i came across fishkeeping if i hadn't i don't think i'd know half the stuff i do. After many many questions asked i got my tank set up and ready to go 7kg of live rock, salted RO and i was ready for the fishless cycle. This is one of the first pictures of my tank when it was in its cycle...

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